Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Marks by other students

Initial Designs and Sketches

Google SketchUp Model - Lifts and Table

Filefront Upload

EXP3 Crysis Wars Environment

Lift Controls:

Miranda Kerr
Up: press 'u' key
Down: press 'k' key

Angela Merkel
Up: press 'c' key
Down: press 'b' key

Angela Merkel's Lift

Miranda Kerr's Lift

5 Real Time Image Captures

Image 1
Miranda Kerr's office represents her femininity. The circular structure symbolises Miranda's soft and subtle appearance while the ribbon-like formation is a representation of her career as a Victoria's Secret model.
Image 2:
Angela Merkel's office expresses boldness and strength. The striking pyramid structures represents her life as a politician while the dome exemplifies Germany's Parliament House. It can be described as being "cradle of fire". The core center is where Merkel's power lies. It evokes her leadership as the German Chancellor.
Image 3:
The meeting place is an intricate structure that depicts the women's level of power as it is multi-leveled. It is a mixture of sophistication, class and boldness.

Image 4:
The meeting place personifies the integration of femininity, strength and boldness. Femininity is shown through the lightness of the structure which is presented through the open space where it is suspended. Strength and boldness can be seen through the straight lines and sharpness of the structure.

Image 5:
The Bridge. The whirling structure on the bridge begins soft and subtly from Miranda's side then slowly increases in height until it epitomises the strength and boldness of Angela Merkel's when it reaches her side. This represents the women's power which shows that it can be portrayed in different levels.

Monday, June 14, 2010

4 Real Time Image Captures

Crysis Environment
Aerial View 1
showing the bridge, meeting place, Angela Merkel's office on the right and Miranda Kerr's office on the left.
Aerial View 2

2 Draft Crysis Environment

Monday, May 10, 2010

Jamison Valley, Blue Mountains, Australia

The Clients & Mash Up

Image Sources:
Angela Merkel: "Why are you where you are?," Nick Baine's Blog, http://nickbaines.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/angela-merkel.jpg (accessed 5 May 2010)
Miranda Kerr: "Miranda Kerr," Million Face, http://www.millionface.com/l/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/miranda-kerr-6.jpg (accessed 5 May 2010)
Helen Keller: "The Achiever," The New York Times Magazine, http://www.nytimes.com/specials/magazine4/articles/keller.html (accessed 5 May 2010)


A strong case can be made that European leaders' determination to secure the stability of the euro rose from a world of profound darkness and silence. The 16 eurozone leaders agreed it was altogether fitting that a statue will be a wonderful role model and ambassador to shield their shared currency against further attack. The unveiling of the statue will respond extremely well to bring down their budget deficits. The unparalleled range of tremendous challenges also called for stronger financial market regulation. The eurozone nations will produce “a common instrument to become a symbol of hope and determination throughout the world”. The larger-than-life bronze statue will go head to head with markets unsettled by the Greek crisis.
Dedicated eurozone leaders will continue to ensure that the situation moves forward in a positive direction. It will be interesting, however, to see whether some form of help could be required. "It is a serious situation," not to mention bad development not just in one country but in several countries.
The ''squeaky clean'' statue will find a permanent home in the new Capitol Visitor Center, where we know it will become an inspiration for millions over the years.

Article Resources:

"Merkel stresses determination to secure euro," Boston World News, http://www.boston.com/news/world/europe/articles/2010/05/08/top_german_court_oks_greek_aid/?rss_id=Boston.com+--+World+news (accessed 4 May 2010)

"Miranda Kerr named face of David Jones," The Vine Fashion News, http://www.thevine.com.au/fashion/articles/miranda-kerr-named-face-of-david-jones.aspx (accessed 4 May 2010)

"Helen Keller's latest honor is well-deserved," Tuscaloosa News, http://www.tuscaloosanews.com/article/20091009/NEWS/910089958/1012?p=1&tc=pg (accessed 4 May 2010)

18 One Point Perspectives

One-Point Perspectives

One-point Perspectives
These are some examples of one-point perspectives I did at Tafe. I thought I'd post them on here as it is relating to the 18 sketch perspectives we are doing at the moment.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Google Warehouse Link EXP2


Saturday, May 1, 2010


5 Real Time Images - Clients' Labs Imported to Sandbox

Nicole Kuepper's lab is the one situated on the lower landform. Her lab is created and designed with a more open space to cater for sun access that she requires for her solar experiments. Charles Darwin's lab is located on a higher landform. I placed his lab much closer to nature for his experiments on different types of species. Each lab is linked by a ramp where the scientists will meet and exchange their ideas.
Aerial view during day time

View of 2 labs from the ramp

View of Nicole Kuepper's lab from Charles Darwin's lab

View showing the 2 labs and the ramp

Axonometrics in Google SketchUp - 9 Rectangular Prisms

Option 1

Option 2

36 Custom Textures

18 Axonometrics

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Shadow as a Threshold

"Shadow as a Threshold"
I chose project 1 "Shadow as a Threshold" from the BlackBox by Erica Kruger. In this part, she explores the point of pause, the link between the actual object and its shadow. In this experiment, I want to relate the Shadow Threshold to the spaces between each labs and the experience they go through within each spatial boundaries. Nicole Kuepper's lab is created to cater for more sun access for her solar experiments while Charles Darwin's lab is created and situated closer to nature for his experiments on different types of species. Each lab is linked by a ramp in the form of a landform. This landform acts as a threshold between the labs, to get from one point to another.

Electroliquid Aggregation

Nicole Kuepper:
"It is well known that there is a clear link between access to electricity and standards of living, as electricity enables people to (among other things) read at night, refrigerate vaccines, and become informed about the world through radios or tvs."

Charles Darwin:
" Everything is in flames-the sky with lightning-the water with luminous particles-and even the very masts are pointed with a blue flame."

Electroliquid Aggregation:
Even a clear blue sky with lightning link to luminous particles of water enables access to electricity.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Experiment 2: The Clients

" We find ourselves in a bewildering world. We want to make sense of what we see around us and to ask: What is the nature of the universe? What is our place in it and where did it we come from? Why is it the way it is?"
image souce: "Proffesor Stephen Hawking," About Stephen, http://www.hawking.org.uk/index.php/about-stephen (accessed 19 April 2010).
quote source: Stephen Hawking, A Brief History of Time, (New York: Bantam Books, 1988), 187.

" Everything is in flames-the sky with lightning-the water with luminous particles-and even the very masts are pointed with a blue flame."
image source: "The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online," http://darwin-online.org.uk/ (accessed 19 April 2010).
quote source: Charles Darwin, "Letters on Geology: Extracts from Letters Addressed to Professor Henslow," (1835): 6.

"It is well known that there is a clear link between access to electricity and standards of living, as electricity enables people to (among other things) read at night, refrigerate vaccines, and become informed about the world through radios or tvs."
image source: School of Photovoltaic Energy and Renewable Resources, UNSW, http://www.pv.unsw.edu.au/Staff/nicolekuepper.asp (accessed 19 April 2010).
quote source: Science and Technology Education Leveraging Relevance Career Profiles, "Nicole Kuepper, PhD Research Student," Science and Technology Education Leveraging Relevance. http://www.stelr.org.au/nicole-kuepper/ (accessed 19 April 2010).

Saturday, April 10, 2010





Image 1:
View showing the spaces above, below and on ground.

Image 2:
Aerial View of The Datum

Image 3:
I chose this view of the design as it shows the meeting point of the two stairs for each of the studios and the gallery on the ground.


2 Images : Draft 2

2 Images : Draft 1

36 Custom Textures

My 36 Custom Textures

The Stair

Stairs for The Datum


My Chosen Conceptual Design

This is my chosen conceptual design. I chose Piccinini's artwork and the word 'collide' to describe it and use it to represent the space above ground. For Goodwin's artwork, I chose the word 'crypt' describing it and use it to represent the space below ground. I chose a modern and dynamic design for Piccinini with the two cubes colliding with each other and then a simpler concept for Goodwin with a cylindrical shape and creating a cryptic sense as it is below ground as well.